How to Prepare to Die

For years now, my neighbor has been going around telling everyone that when he died, his greatest goal was to leave behind the biggest amassed collection of stuff that our town has ever seen.  He wanted to be known as the man who had THE BIGGEST auction in the history of our entire county.  He … Continue reading

Overheard in my kitchen….

Daughter 4 speaking to Daughter 5: “Dad took Niecia to get coffee for their date – they had a sign that says, “Unattended children will be given an espresso and a puppy.” Daughter 5 response:  “Seriously?!!  What kind of puppies are they and when is it my turn to go on a date with Dad? … Continue reading

What Child IS This?

I have a challenge for you – sit down right now and tell yourself (or someone else) the nativity story. This past weekend, while the kids were at the Holy Walk, I sat down to tell Davenna (Squishy) the nativity story. I found it to be a very enlightening. I could have read it, but … Continue reading

Bible Math

I suspect most people don’t end up seeing the same things I do when I am in the Word.  I guess that’s probably a good thing.  🙂 Today, all I could see was a simple math equation of A + B = C . A = 3 John 1:2.  God says, “I wish above all … Continue reading

What are you wearing?

This week, my mother in law will be 85.  (Wow, reading that, it sounds old, but that comes of marrying a man whose father graduated from high school the same year my mother was born)    🙂 Because of this, we are planning a full-family party for grandma.  This means nieces and nephews will be coming … Continue reading

Happy Hanukkah~

This will be super short – not only is this Sabbath, but it is also the beginning of Hanukkah.  The apple sauce is done, the roast is in the crock pot and we splurged and got Krispy Kreme raspberry filled donuts for dessert!  Woot!  That’s a first for us. (The kids are thrilled. It makes … Continue reading

Here, come share a cup of hot tea with me!

Man, is it cold!  It’s about 5 right now, with a wind chill. (I don’t even want to know what that wind chill is. Truly ignorance is bliss in this situation.)  SO, come on in, sit down here in my cozy little library and have a cup of tea with me.  (Or java, if you’d … Continue reading

The Guest Room

Growing up, my Grandmother always had a guest room.  It was reserved solely for guests.  No one ever went in there, unless they were the guest assigned to it.  (Or Grandma, who went in there and cleaned every so often.) Grandma didn’t store things she used with any kind of regularity in there.  She didn’t … Continue reading