Javadawn Wrestles…Grammar?

Jeff and I attended two different colleges after meeting at our local campus. He attended IU Bloomington, while I remained at the local campus. This put some strain on our new relationship. You see, we started dating in April. In June he told me that we needed to make the most of our summer, because … Continue reading

Being Picked for a Team!

Growing up, I was always the scrawny wimpy looking thang.  When it came to picking teams for any sports activity, I think I was always chosen last.  (Which, honestly, was really folly – I could insult and tear the other team’s confidence down with my mouth better than any one else.  I SHOULD have been … Continue reading

Fluff and stuff

I live in an older neighborhood.  The homes in our area for the most part were all built prior to 1925.  Most of them, in fact, were built prior to 1915.  As best we can figure, our home was built in 1905.  In 1903, the appraised value was set at $500.  In 1907, the appraised … Continue reading


Ladies, I think there are some of you that are reading here that aren’t on my blog roll.

Do you hear what I hear?

I remember the first time Jeff told me he loved me.  It took my breath away.  I thought that the world was going to tip and I was going to slide off the side.  How could this man feel that way about me?  It just was more than I could imagine. This morning, I experienced … Continue reading

It’s that time of year …

When the world falls in love and every song you hear seems to say, “Merry Christmas, may your New Year’s dreams come true….and this song of mine…” wait…that’s not the time I was thinking of. It’s time to share your Christmas breakfast menu. I know MyDerbe Jenn serves banana splits – what about the rest … Continue reading


Jeff belongs to a classical and jazz music club. He had purchased an album, for our children, that was receiving RAVE reviews. The performers were a family of five siblings who all played piano together. Our children just thoroughly delighted in listening to “The Five Browns” album that we had. SO, when we found out … Continue reading

Walking on Holy Ground

The weather was perfect. It was snowing and the wind, while strong, wasn’t bitter cold. It was a rich, thick, dark night and the only thing breaking the darkness was the light of the lanterns, and the fires to keep the people warm. Suddenly, the darkness is split as a choir of angels began singing … Continue reading

WWF, again

I’m back at it – actually I’m on lunch –  but my brain is back at it.  (No comments necessary about my brain being out to lunch, thank you very much)  🙂 “And they brought the boy to Him. And when the spirit saw Him, immediately it convulsed the boy, and he fell on the … Continue reading

Say What?

It was the February I was going to school full time, working full time and in order to keep my theatre scholarship, I needed to work part time on stage. Because of this insane schedule – I was catching a bus to school at 6 am and coming home on the 9 pm bus OR … Continue reading