With a father who was instrumental in much of the cutting edge computer technology, GIGO was a term that I grew up with, thinking that it was commonplace. I remember the first time I used it in context – in a setting where people other than family were about. It was at school. I saw … Continue reading

An idea to make next year’s turkey dance!

We just heard of the most amazing idea for a Thanksgiving celebration….rather, we have just been the recipients of the most amazing idea for celebrating Thanksgiving. Here is the letter that was attached to the gift: Dear Family, We wanted you all to have some money for Christmas. This money is for you to spend … Continue reading

Sometimes stirring the soup is really yukky

The smell of incense was cloying, especially when it was coupled with the smell of hot grease, but it didn’t matter. We were in our very favorite Chinese restaurant in the whole world. (Well, all of Chinatown, anyway.) The table linens were pure white, and the napkins were blood red. The glasses had….(gasp) STEMS and … Continue reading

The North versus the South?

On day while I was working in my office (switchboard) a guest lecturer came up to ask me some questions regarding the location of her teaching session.  There was another  woman there, cleaning my office (and I use this term loosely – it was a 6 x 8 glass fronted box with a large desk … Continue reading

This is a test

This is a test of the Emergency Christmas Letter System. The blogger in this area, in voluntary cooperation of the FCC (Family Christmas Correspondence) and other authorities is employing this system to keep you informed. Since it’s not December yet, it’s not a real emergency, however, had this been an actual emergency, you would be … Continue reading

Don’t be a pain in the neck!

He was a nice enough guy. I’d known him my entire high school “career.” We’d never dated or anything even remotely like that. Although, we had eaten lunch at the same table in the cafeteria a couple times. So, when he called me when he came home from college on Spring break, to ask me … Continue reading

‘Tis the season

Thanksgiving was over. The house was quiet. It was just Jeff and I, enjoying a cup of coffee, while the crew slept in. Jeff was “thumbing” through our inbox, as we were expecting a response to a few business inquiries. We had just been discussing the plans for the day – a gentle walk, followed … Continue reading

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Ones, how I pray that you are enjoying a wonderful holiday, with the knowledge that your Lord has supplied all your needs according to His riches in glory. That sounds like quite a bit to be thankful for. I’m so grateful for you and your encouragement and your wisdom.  YOU are one of the … Continue reading

The long, long bridge

“And I just feel, as we’re praying, that Dawn, you have something coming into your life that will be very hard – it will break you.  It’s nothing that Jeff can do with or for you – it will be just you and God. I see you on a bridge – and you’re just getting … Continue reading

The beauty of the Lord made manifest ~

in a very small package.  🙂 If you haven’t already, go rejoice with Holly at the birth of Mariam Annaliese!!